We comply with the teaching and learning standards set by the European Higher Education Area, from an inclusive and innovative approach. An academic excellence that is possible thanks to the sum of your effort, the professional experience of our teachers and the commitment of the personal advisors. Get a unique international profile.
In the Master’s Degree in Business Management and Administration, one of the top MBA programs online, you will be given training on strategic and innovation management, comprehensive marketing, finance, or logistics. In high-performance teams, you will gain in-depth, business-driven knowledge.
Further enhance your Master's Degree in Business Management and Administration with a double degree and expand your job opportunities.
Delve into the effective management of stakeholders, risks, resources and times with the methodology of the Project Manager Institute®, the most important association of project managers globally.
Manage employee performance, design remuneration policies, and evaluate performance with the skills and competencies needed to succeed in HR.
Specialize in cash management, international means of payment, financial risk management or cash pooling.
Lead new business models with skills in blended marketing, e-commerce, virtual community management, customer experience or social media monetization.
Get the most out of your company data with Power BI. Implement business intelligence systems with MATLAB.
Conduct a funding round with a pre-launch study, and address best practices, legal aspects, or the search for funding.
Address the digital challenges in the public service and develop your skills in administration.
Learn how to manage supply chains and business logistics efficiently. Explore their design, circularity strategies, efficiency improvement methodologies, and performance tracking tools.
Meet the growing demand in companies for professionals skilled in Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), business sustainability, and the value contribution of ESG factors.
Become a business administrator and earn a Diploma in 'Leading People' from the Harvard ManageMentor program
The online MBA gives you access to the Diploma in ‘Leading People’, where you will acquire the skills to motivate teams, maintain positive relationships in the workplace, and guide your team towards achieving results. You will learn how to create an environment where everyone can perform to the full potential. Harvard Business Publishing Education (HBP) is a collaborator of UNIR, meaning that you can fully benefit from the Harvard ManageMentor® program.
Learn from real cases studied at Harvard using the online case method. In the live classes of the Master’s Degree in Business Management, the dynamics of companies such as Netflix, HP, Vueling, Applus+ or Dell Online, among others, will be simulated. In multidisciplinary teams, you will be required to make action-oriented decisions.
You will also have the opportunity to participate in an exclusive UNIR program with RED Proyectum, aplatform of companies that allows you to write your Master’s Degree Thesis based on real problems faced in developing their business. You will earn an academic certificate to include in your resume upon completion.
To apply for the recognition of internships in companies (6 ECTS), you must provide accreditation for one full-time year or two half years carrying out tasks related to the competencies inherent in the degree. You will need to submit your resume, work-life report and a company certificate specifying the position performed, the roles and the development time. If you do not have experience, you can do your virtual or face-to-face internship with around 1,700 leading companies.
Professors working on UNIR’s MBA are managers, engineers, and leaders in multinationals who will provide you with the necessary knowledge so that you can apply it to business management.
Business and academic recognitions
The most prestigious associations in business endorse us
UNIR is the only spanish university member of the four most prestigious associations in the academic world in the business area.
Certified by ANECA, according to the AUDIT model
All the official academic degrees of the Faculty of Economy and Business have the seal of quality awarded by the National Agency for Evaluation and Accreditation, the body in charge of guaranteeing the quality of the degrees taught in the Spanish university system in line with the European Higher Education Area (EHEA).
UNIR, the world’s first online university in Spanish, according to Times Higher Education
The prestigious magazine THE, which publishes one of the three most influential rankings in the field of international higher education, recognizes UNIR in 2024 as the first Spanish-speaking online university in the world.
Leaders in educational innovation, according to Forbes
Forbes places us among the three best universities in Spain and as the first online. In addition, it highlights UNIR as a global benchmark in online training for its methodology and the interactive experience it offers its students, as well as its recognition in the most relevant international rankings.
The MBA is aimed at economic and business profiles and offers perfectly valid multidisciplinary training for professionals from other fields who aspire to manage a company (engineers, health, marketing specialists, etc.). It offers a global strategic vision applicable to a multitude of sectors.
If you are looking to access management positions in the different areas of a company, and/or you want to stay updated or strengthen your knowledge, or are going to start a business, UNIR’s MBA is for you.
Over 3,000 students have studied UNIR’s Master’s in Administration and Management to face new professional challenges. Moreover, in the months after completing the MBA, 3 out of every 4 graduates have improved professionally and in terms of salary.
As a UNIR MBA student, you will face real problems experienced in companies like Netflix, Hewlett Packard, Vueling, Imaginarium, Molson Canada, Benneton, Applus+ or Dell Online. We are pioneers in the implementation of the online “Case Method”.
Each case is prepared in teams of students, discussed in class through the teacher’s guide, and resolved in a session where the most relevant conclusions are presented. Unlike in other universities, it is not simply a practical case that the student solves and then the teacher corrects. At UNIR, we take a step further, and the interaction with other people involved is a fundamental characteristic for the success of cases since the dynamics lived in companies are simulated.
In the final plenary session, the representatives of each team have a voice, and the teacher presents the main conclusions, highlighting the strengths and weaknesses of the different approaches provided. The other teams can take advantage of it to improve the development of their training. In addition, everything is recorded so you can visualize it as many times as you need.
The many formats and modalities offered make it easier to study for the MBA. An online Master’s Degree that adapts to your personal situation and provides two calls a year: one in April and another in November.
UNIR’s MBA favors partial funding through scholarships from different agencies. Payment can be made as a single payment or in instalments, with an additional discount in the first case.
If you are interested in this field of study, we recommend the following related degrees offered at UNIR, which you may also find of interest:
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